Fun in the Sun (and a Colour Scavenger Hunt)

Monday was Memorial Day. Bean helped me make cookies, although we ended up forgetting to bring them :(. She loves stirring and adding the ingredients. I scooped most of the dry ingredients and explained different measurements and let her add them. Munchkin sat at the table with us and I gave him a bowl of buttons and some scoops to use as well.

We spent the day with family and had a very nice BBQ. The kids enjoyed playing at the park, especially because the weather was so nice and it had been quite miserable in these parts the past week. We walked to the park and the kids enjoyed a ride in their wagon. Once we got there they ran off and started playing. This was such a nice park and I wish we lived closer to it!

This is the way Munchkin goes down the slide. every. time. He makes me so nervous, but he loves sliding down head first.

Bean enjoyed spending some time with her uncle B.

Bean liked the big slide but was more cautious than her brother. :)

So much fun!

Afterwards we went back to Grammy's and enjoyed a nice meal. Bean apparently really likes Oreo ice cream cake :)

And Munchkin was a little sweetie and helped clean up :) 


Yesterday was nice as well and we spent the day playing outside again. We took the opportunity to explore the yard and I pointed out different kinds of plants and what they were. We also did a colour scavenger hunt using flowers and explored different natural textures (dirt, rocks, moss, grass, flowers, bark, etc.). It was really nice to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

 Collecting pine cones.

 Munchkin went everywhere with the foam ball :)

They practiced throwing. Bean has a wicked arm and can throw pine cones ten feet in the air. She nearly got some over the fence, that would have been a surprise for the neighbor's dog. :)

Saying Hi to Ollie, the dog next door.

We tried counting the wood on the fence but we didn't get further than seven because I had mentioned that the fence was made out of wood, so Bean ran off to go collect wood.

We played Hide-and-Seek, otherwise known as Chase-Munchkin-and-Watch-Him-Attempt-to-Hide :)

He stopped to "grate" the pine cone and really liked the sound it made, so he tried grating it against bricks, trees and the fence as well. They all make really nice sounds.

Then they checked out the garden area. The soil was just turned and was loose enough that the ground was soft and bumpy. They liked that their feet sunk into the soil as they walked in it.

They pretended to plant stuff in the soil, digging holes and dropping soil in and then stamping the hole closed again. I didn't want them to actually bury anything since seeds would be going in soon, but they still had fun.

Bean really liked these plants. She kept giving them kisses. She also kissed a tree, the fence and a couple rocks. She said she was being nice :)

It was trash day, so every time one of the big blue garbage trucks drove by, she would get excited and point them out. She loves vehicles.

Then we started our colour scavenger hunt. We were inspired by this strawberry. Munchkin kept running back to it, so I asked them if they could find some more colours.

Yellow and orange flowers.

They look blue, but they were actually purple flowers.

Pink and red flowers. 

Green grass and moss.

Taking a break on her rock seat.

Pink poppies.

They found lots of yellow buttercups and dandelions, and other wild flowers as well.

It was exciting to do a colour scavenger hunt outside, because they had the whole yard to search through. When we got home we made this colour guide. We grouped gray and white together. Bean helped me trace the circles and I let her decide where to draw them. We read off each of the colours and then matched pom poms to them. Next time we will bring this outside and match leaves and flowers and wood to the colours.

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