

Edcanvas is an art canvas for educational resources online.   This web-based technology allows teachers to curate a hotlist of resources for students to maximize time on-task.  Rather than having students waste time searching for reliable online resources, Edcanvas organizes resources on one page and allows for annotations.  Students can also create an Edcanvas without using an email address.  Why not have students research a topic and create an online bibliography with a canvas?  How about creating a list of websites that help describe a student's passion and personality?  What about bookmarking information related to a personal learning quest?   Ultimately, teachers and students can create playlists to promote learning with this amazing web-based tool.

Edcanvas can be integrated on Edmodo easily.  To do this, Edcanvas has placed an Edmodo option within the Share Button.  The user will be asked to login to Edmodo, which will allow teachers to upload the canvas to their Edmodo class page or library.  

Video Tutorial


Here's an example of a board I created on Project-Based Learning:

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