Metamorfosis adalah suatu proses perkembangan biologi pada hewan yang melibatkan perubahan penampilan fisik dan/atau struktur setelah kelahiran atau penetasan. Perubahan fisik itu terjadi akibat pertumbuhan sel dan differensiasi sel yang secara radikal berbeda.

Metamorfosis pada dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu :

1. Metamorfosis tidak sempurna (Hemimetabola)
    Metamorfosis tidak sempurna adalah metamorfosis yang melalui tahap telur yang menetas menjadi nimfa,  

    kemudian tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi imago (dewasa).

   Nimfa adalah hewan muda yang mirip dengan hewan dewasa tetapi berukuran lebih kecil dengan  

   perbandingan tubuh yang berbeda.
   Nimfa akan mengalami molting (pergantian kulit),setiap kali setelah  
   molting mahluk hidup itu kelihatan lebih mirip dengan hewan dewasa.
   Contoh metamorfosis tidak sempurna : jangkrik, belalang, kecoa.

2. Metamorfosis sempurna (Homometabola)
    Metamorfosis sempurna adalah metamorfosis yang perkembangan individu mahluk hidup melalui tahap   

    telur–larva–pupa–imago (dewasa).
   Telur yang menetas menjadi larva dan larva akan menjadi kepompong  
    kemudian berubah menjadi imago (dewasa).
   Contoh metamorfosis sempurna : kupu-kupu.

Telur : Belalang betina akan bertelur dan telur – telur terkandung di dalam karung berkulit keras, selalunya melebihi sepuluh, di dalam tanah atau antara daun – daun yang gugur. Setiap karung mengandungi 10 – 300 telur yang berbentuk butiran beras. Kemudian, nymph menetas dan menjadi nymph. Telur belalang boleh berada dalam keadaan dorman pada musim luruh dan sejuk, lebih kurang sepuluh bulan, bagi Negara yang mengalami empat musim.

Nymph : Sejurus selepas menetas, nymph muda (nymph instar pertama) mula memakan daun – daun tumbuhan yang lembut dan lembap. Nymph adalah versi miniatur bagi belalang dewasa, hanya ia berwarna cerah dan tidak mempunyai sayap. Nymph mengalami 5 – 6 kali proses salin kulit dan berubah bentuk dan struktur, sebelum menjadi dewasa. Peringkat ini berlaku selama 5 – 10 hari, bergantung kepada spesis dan keadaan cuaca, terutama suhu dan kelembapan. 

Dewasa : Selepas 25 – 30 hari, sayap lengkap terbentuk dan nymph menjadi matang menjadi dewasa. Tempoh masa perkembangan telur sehingga dewasa, mengambil masa 11 bulan. Belalang dewasa mencapai tempoh matang mengawan selama 15 hari dan hidup selama 30 hari. 




Metamorphosis is a developmental process involving
  biological changes in an animal's physical appearance and
  / or structure after birth or hatching. Physical changes that
  occur due to cell growth and differentiation of cells that
  are radically different.


1. Incomplete metamorphosis (Hemimetabola)
    The metamorphosis is incomplete metamorphosis through the stages of eggs that hatch into
    nymphs, then grow and develop into imago (adult).
    Nymphs are young animals that are similar to adult  
    animals but are smaller by comparison of different body.
    Nymphs will experience a molting (change of
    skin), each time after molting creatures that look more similar to adult animals.
    Examples of incomplete metamorphosis: crickets,grasshoppers.

2. Complete metamorphosis (Homometabola Complete metamorphosis is the metamorphosis of the
    development of the individual living through the stage of egg-larva-pupa-imago (adult).
    Eggs that hatch into
    larvae and the larvae will pupate and turn into imago (adult).
    Examples of complete metamorphosis: butterfly.


(‘Following are the three stages in the life cycle of grasshoppers.’)
Egg: the female grasshoppers lay the fertilized eggs in the form of egg pods, usually more than ten, either in the sand or among leaf litters. Each egg pod consists of about 10-300 eggs that are rice shaped. Then, the eggs hatch into nymphs. The eggs can remain dormant in autumn and winter seasons, for almost ten months, for the four seasons country.

Nymph: Immediately after hatching, the young nymphs (first instar nymphs) start feeding on soft and succulent plant foliages. Nymphs are miniature versions of adult grasshoppers, except that they are light in color and do not possess wings. Nymphs undergo 5-6 molts and change their form and structure, before becoming adults. The nymphal stage may last for a period of 5-10 days, based on the species and the weather condition, especially temperature and humidity. As the nymphs molt, their size increases and wing pads progressively develop on the thorax portion of the body.

Adult: After 25-30 days, the wings are developed completely and the nymphs mature into adults. Thus, by the time, an egg matures into an adult, the grasshopper is about eleven months old. The adult grasshoppers gain sexual maturity within 15 days and survive for a span of about 30 days.
The life span of grasshoppers is about 12 months. Studies have found out that the survival rate of nymphs after hatching is about 50 percent, as chances are high that they may be eaten by predators like birds, rodents and lizards. This way, grasshoppers play a major role in the effective functioning of an ecosystem, by providing food for many predators in the food chain. A swarm of grasshoppers, also known as locusts, might cause severe damages to the crops, affecting the crop yield.


Life Cycle Of Baby Warthogs.

One to six piglites are born ( rarely more) and they will stay hidden in the burrow for up to two months. After this period they will follow the mother everywhere, keeping very close to her in the beginning.

Life Cycle Of Baby Black Mampa

Breeding usually takes place in late spring or early summer. After mating the female will then lay any where between 10 and 25 eggs. The young mambas are on their own as they are born. Black mambas prey on animals such as: birds, rats, bushbabies, bats, and small chickens. Mongooses are the main predators of the black mamba. They usually prey on young snakes and eggs.

Life Cycle Of Baby Black Rhinoceros.

A female rhino's pregnancy lasts 15 months- a baby rhino weighs between and 85 pounds at birth. Female rhinos and  their offspring black rhinos are solitary. Females reproduce only every two and a half to five years. Their single calf does not live on its own until it is about three years old.

Life Cycle Of Baby Chacmp Baboon!

Chacmp baboons are a social species, living in family groups called troops. A larg troop can comprise as many as 100 family members, although most troops are smaller.

Within the families are males, females and offspring. Females give brith to a single baby after a gestation period of around 6 months.

These baboons have dog like, foward sloping faces. Their newborn in fants are black and have red faces.

Life Cycle Of Baby Emus.

Emus are not mammals and are there for not the same as other mammals at all. Emus are birds. Emus live in grasslands and open bushland areas. The Emus' breeding season begins at the end of Autumn and through to spring so in Australia, this from about May to October.

Life Cycle Of Baby Ostrichs.

When the baby ostrichs are born they are only 10 inches tall and weigh just 2 pounds. They grow 10-12 inches every month  for 6 months.They eat mostly plants and roots, but they do like little bugs and lizards. Basically whatever is available to them. They have been known to stones and sand to help digest their food. Yummy.

Life Cycle Of Baby African Elephant

Female elephants only give birth every five years or so and they carry the calf for about 22 months (635-655
 days) which makes it the longest gestation period for any mammal.

The calf weighs between 200-250 pounds at birth and it grows at the astonishing rate of about 2 pounds every day which is not really that surprising considering how much catching up he has to do to become full grown.

Life Cycle of Baby Black-Tailed Prairie Dog.

Prairie dogs live with a dominant male, several close females, and their offspring. During mating season a female pairie dog may mate with as many as five males meaning that her litter of pups have more than one father. Pairie dogs use various signs and signals, such as bobbing up and down, to warn their group of danger.

Life Cycle Of Baby Nile Crocodile.

Once a female has been attracted, the pair warble and rub the underside of their jaws together. Females lay eggs about two months after mating. Nesting is in November or December, which is the dry season in the north of Africa and the rainy season in the south. preferred nesting  locations are sandy shores dry sream beds or riverbanks. A female crocodile can lay between 25 and 80 eggs.

Life Cycle of Baby Egyptian Mongoose.

At the age of 2 both female and male egyptian mongoose are sexually mature. Upon birth, the newborns are helpless, but after about 8 days they have the ability to follow the female parent. In rearing of the young both father and mother contribute, but just in so many human traditions the female accomplishes more then the male. The young egyptian mongoose is dependent on his parents for about a year and the males are independent before females.

Life Cycle Of Baby Grant's Zebra

Under ideal conditions a female zebra may produce a foal every year. One young is born after a gestation of 361 -390 days ( about one year). The newborn has brown stripes and is short-bodied and long-legged. Baby zebras weight 66-76 pound sand  stand 33 inches tall. Females guard their baby from other members of the herd when it is first born perhaps giving the newborn time to learn her pattern of stripes. Foals are very attached their mothers and the bond lasts until the birth of the next foal.

Life Cycle Of Caracal Cubs.

A Caracal kitten with blue eyes.
Caracal are sometimes called "African lynx" or "desert lynx" these tufted-eared cats are about three feet long with a tail about a foot long and reddish brown fur, except for a white chin, throat and belly and a black line running from each eye to the nose.  

Caracal have a litter of one to six young with an average of three.  

Life Cycle of Lion Cubs

 Lion cubs are born blind, in litters of two to four. They are typically about 1ft (30.5cm) long and weigh about a pound (45kg). The cubs completely covered with fur at brith and may carry some spots while they are young. The eyes open in about 2-3 weeks, but they probadly don't function for about a week after they open.  

Life Cycle Of Baby Koala Bear

The young koala drinks only mother's milk for the first six to seven months. At about 30 weeks, it begins to feed upon a substance called "pap" which the produces in addition to milk. Pap is a specialized form of droppings which forms an important  part of the young koala's diet, allowing it to make the transition from milk to eucalyptus leaves.

Life Cycle Of Pronghorn Babys

In late summer or early fall, the male gathers a harem of about 3 to 4 does. Horns are shed a month after breeding. Pronghorns have been known to breed as fawns but they usually breed for the first time when they are 16 to17 months.The does usually produce twin fawns in early june after a gestation period of about 250 days.
The young are born in May or June weighing anywhere from 4 to 12 pounds according to various sources. Within a day or two the 16- inch-tall fawns lie quietly in tall grass while the mother grazes.

Life Cycle of African Wild Dogs?

African wild dogs also known as African hunting dogs, once lived throughout Africa south of the Sahara desert. Their range now is limited with the wild population numbering under 5,000. They live and hunt in packs of around ten individuals and prey on a variety grazing animals from deer to warthhogs to rabbits. They usually weigh between  40 and 80 ibs. A mother African wild dog will give brith to a litter that may number as many as so puppies but averages around eight. 
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